A few months back, I had the pleasure of performing with The Story Collider in Washington, DC. The theme of the show was “expectations,so I decided to tell the very story that got me into storytelling in the first place. What I didn’t expect (see what I did there?) was that a few months later, the story I told that night would be featured on The Story Collider’s very excellent podcast.

Sure, you may have heard this story before… but you’ve never heard me tell it this way. Enjoy!

For those of you who may not familiar with The Story Collider, it is a non-profit group dedicated to true, personal stories about science. Their mission is to empower both scientists and nonscientists alike with the skills they need to tell these stories and share them through their live shows and podcast, with the goal of exploring the human side of science. 

You can learn more about the organization at https://www.storycollider.org.