Perfect Liars Club: June '17 Recap

Perfect Liars Club: June '17 Recap

Scores of Washington’s curious and inquisitive beat the early summer heat by packing themselves into Dupont Circle’s Bier Baron Tavern for the June 2017 Perfect Liars Club.

Perfect Liars Club: May '17 Recap

Perfect Liars Club: May '17 Recap

Some came solo. Some came in groups. Some came early. Some came late. But no matter how or when they came, they came. In numbers. And they packed themselves into Dupont Circle’s Bier Baron Tavern for the May 2017 edition of DC's favorite storytelling-interrogation show, Perfect Liars Club.

Perfect Liars Club: April '17 Show Recap

Perfect Liars Club: April '17 Show Recap

Electricity was in the air as a standing-room-only crowd packed into Dupont Circle’s Bier Baron Tavern for the April 2017 meeting of the Washington, DC underground storytelling smash, Perfect Liars Club. Would tonight be the night that the audience returned to its liar-spotting ways?

What The Gong Show Meant to Me

What The Gong Show Meant to Me

Upon learning of the passing of Chuck Barris, the mad genius behind The Gong Show, I couldn't help but reflect on my memories of that genre-busting television program and what it meant to me as a young kid.